Sophie Lin


I am a UBC engineering student interested in software, digital logic design, computers, hardware, and mechatronics.


About Me


Surrey Robotics Innovation Lab

I founded Surrey Robotics Innovation Lab (SRIL) in February 2019. It is my vision for creating a centre of innovation to empower youth through STEM education and innovation projects.

SRIL Website

SRIL YouTube Channel

2020 Summer Workshop Series

During summer 2020, SRIL was awarded a Connect to Community grant from UBC to spearhead a series of STEM workshops. SRIL hosted UAV Mechatronics, 3D Printing and CAD, and Leadership in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion workshops, which feature UBC faculty, alumni, and students as guest speakers. The SRIL Summer 2020 Workshop Series gave high school and univeristy students a valuable opportunity to engage in STEM and learn from Engineers and professors. Over 500 youth participated, and many reported increased interest for STEM, having learnt valuable new skills, as well as wanting to begin their robotics, 3D printing, and programming journeys. For more information, see the project report here.

In November, 2020, SRIL partnered with UBC Geering Up to host an all-girls robotics coding event, called Robotics Today. The SRIL team taught over 50 grade 9 girls how to program robots in a virtual VEX Robotics simulator. My team and I led participants through 4 workshop activities: robot vacuums, mazes, spiral drawings, and storm the castle. We received feedback from the girls saying the activities were highly engaging, challenged them to think critically and creatively, and inspired to explore robotics opportunities such as VEX Robotics.